
Website launch: Bishopsgate Institute

4 December 2019

This is an old post, so may include broken links and/or out-of-date information

Mock-up of the Archive landing page, showing a huge image of protest badges; part of the Bishopsgate Institute Archives

Built ‘for the benefit of the public’ in 1894, Bishopsgate Institute in London remains a place for ideas, debate, learning and enquiry.

The building is open to all, and hosts an eclectic programme of activity – as well as housing a jaw-droppingly beautiful Library and nationally-important Archives. (With collections based around subjects such as London history, socialism, activism, feminism, and LGBTQ+ history.)

Creating an easy-to-use website with such a varied offering was a huge challenge! Our solution was based around keeping things simple for users.

We’re particularly pleased with how easy it is to browse the expansive What’s On listings. This is achieved by displaying increasing amounts of detail across three tiers:

Tier 1: Categorised card listings

Top level, categorised listings give just enough information for people to decide if this is something that might interest them.

At this level, information is kept nice and light; the emphasis is on quick browsing.

Example category 'History and Society' shows a row of card listings, featuring an image, title and date range

Tier 2 – Expanded view

Just like the 'Quicklook' feature on retail sites, this neat, expanded view gives people a little more information and context. It includes a written description about this activity, times, prices, and links to full details and booking (via Spektrix).

There’s also the nifty ability to browse through an entire category’s expanded listings in one go, if that’s how you roll.

An expanded listing card houses an image, title, date range, descriptive text, times, prices and course duration – along with links to full info and booking

Tier 3 – Full page details

Finally, there's the page housing full details about the activity. These pages are designed to hold all manner of information – from course equipment lists to speaker profiles.

Screengrab of the top section of the page for the course 'Unreal City: London in Literature

There’s lots more to explore – learn more: Bishopsgate Institute website

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