Want to join the team?
It's important to us that applying for a job here at Supercool is a clear and simple process. Here's an overview of what to expect when applying to join the team …
Applying – made easy 😎
As part of the job advert we'll include a link to a short, online application form – to make it as easy as possible to apply for a job with us.
This short form will ask for some information, including your contact details.
We’ll also ask you to attach your CV, as it’s an easy way for you to send us practical details about you and any previous jobs you've had. (By the way, we don't need/ask for any specific educational qualifications for any job at Supercool.)
We'll also ask you to write a Cover Letter, and – depending on the role – perhaps also tell us about a website you like, or a technical issue you've solved recently. This is so we can get to know you a bit better outside of your CV. It's your chance to let us know what excites you about the role, what strengths you can bring to Supercool – and why you’d like to join the team. We’re interested in what you have to say rather than your writing style or grammatical accuracy – but please do run your letter through spellcheck before sending!
We may also include optional questions to help us understand who’s applying for the job. This could include questions about your gender, gender identity, and/or ethnicity. Your answers will not be passed to the hiring panel at any stage, and your application won’t be impacted in any way – either by your answers, or if you choose not to answer these questions.
The hiring panel 🤗
At least 2 of the Supercool team will form a 'hiring panel'. They'll be the ones reviewing your application, arranging any interviews, and keeping you informed at every stage of the process.
The hiring panel will include a direct Manager and/or someone you’ll be working with day-to-day if your application’s successful.
How will the process work? 🤔
Once the hiring panel have reviewed your application:
1. Phonecall
If your application demonstrates suitability for the role, we’ll arrange a half-hour phonecall so we can find out more about each other. (We'll provide you with a few talking points in advance.)
2. Written or technical task
If the call goes well, we'll ask you to complete a short task.
This task will be related to the role you're applying for, and designed
to find out what you know and what you don't. It's not a
‘pass or fail’ type of test.
3. Interview/s
If shortlisted, we'll invite you for an interview via video chat – usually lasting about 1 hour. We’ll talk in more detail about the role, and your experience, skills, and ambitions. (Again, interview questions will be shared with you in advance, so you'll have plenty of time to prepare your answers.)
There may be follow-up questions after the interview, and we may ask to speak with you again – via phone or video chat; again, at a time that suits you.
If you're unable to do any of the above, or have specific access requirements, we're happy to discuss alternatives.
Feedback 💬
We tend to get a lot of applications when advertising a job, so can't provide detailed feedback to everyone. However, we understand the time and emotional investment it takes to prepare and send an application. So if you're not invited to the next stage, we will provide you with a brief reason why.
If, after an initial phonecall, you aren’t
invited for an interview, you’ll get timely, personalised feedback.
And if your application is unsuccessful after the interview stage, we’ll provide you with thorough and detailed feedback – and offer you the chance to have a chat with one of the hiring panel, if you’d find that helpful.
Job offer
We'll make you a job offer either by phone or by email. (If we get through to you by phone, you'll also get a follow-up email so you'll have our offer in writing). At this point, we'll also contact the people you've provided for references. We're happy to arrange a convenient time for a chat before you decide whether or not to accept, if you'd find that useful. We'll talk with you about things like start date, flexible hours – and anything else you'd like to know about the job – before welcoming you to the team.
If you’re unsure about anything – at any stage of the process – let us know and we’ll do our best to help.
🌳 Supercool is an environmentally responsible employer
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