From one-to-one consultancy, to free-to-all events – and the odd blog post – our aim is to help organisations to improve the accessibility of their websites and digital content. (Then, share what they've achieved to encourage others to do the same.)

Simple, practical tips to improve the accessibility of your website:
  • Add ‘alt text’ to images so that visuals can be described by screenreaders.
  • Make sure linked text makes sense out of context. People may be reading through a list of all the links on a page, so avoid phrases like ‘click here’ and ‘follow this link’.
  • Be an advocate for your audiences by considering whose needs aren’t currently being met by your website – and what could be done to change that.
  • Run free online assessment tools (such as Lighthouse, ChromeVox and NoCoffee) periodically to identify any easy-wins that will go towards making your website more accessible.
  • Celebrate and share what you’ve done! Small changes have a big impact, so encouraging others to follow your lead will help to improve online accessibility in the arts.

Useful blog posts

Creating An Access Culture

We've compiled 5 top tips for creating an access culture in your digital marketing team; read all about it on the AMA website.

Related Posts

If you'd like to discuss a bespoke website accessibility audit and report for your organisation, get in touch with Kate Mroczkowski.