
Creating an Access Culture

5 July 2019

This is an old post, so may include broken links and/or out-of-date information

So here’s an interesting thing: everybody says they want their arts organisation to be accessible. Venues put a lot of time and money into building ramps and creating wonderful adapted performances. But almost nobody has an equally accessible website.

Digital access takes time, money, and thought. We have to make space in our working day to do new things, and old things in new ways, and this means we have to create a culture that:

  • Recognises digital access as important
  • Makes time and space to get it right
  • Values and rewards progress towards concrete, agreed goals

Ahead of Supercool's online accessibility sessions at this year's Arts Marketing Association Conference, I've put together five tips to getting solid, practical changes made in your organisation.

Read my post 'Creating an Access Culture' over on AMA's website.

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