Website Content Strategy

Graphic illustration of a woman with pained look, pulling at her hair in frustration

Overwhelmed by maintaining your website’s content? We’ve put together a selection of resources to help you keep on top of things – no matter how much (or how little) time you have.

Creating original content that both engages audiences and meets organisational expectations takes time. But typically only a small number of people (maybe even just one) in an organisation will be responsible for both creating and maintaining the content. That’s a lot! But breathe easy …

These handy tips and tools – broken down into how much time they take – will help you to keep on top of the practical, processable bits of website content management more efficiently. Leaving you with more time and brainspace for the fun, creative stuff!

✅ 10 minute tasks + tools:

Identify your 'top' pages

It may be helpful to remember that your website will never be 100% perfect. But focusing your efforts on your most-viewed pages will help you make a positive, meaningful difference – and prevent that dreaded feeling of overwhelm.

Start by identifying your top pages – if you're not sure how to do this, follow our guide:

NB: Filtering out dynamic i.e. temporary content, like event and exhibition pages, keeps your core focus on making sure the permanent, 'evergreen' pages – such as About Us and Your Visit – are up-to-date.

Find broken links

Broken links not only frustrate users, but search engines can downgrade your website for having them. These tools will help you quickly identify broken links across your website, so you can either fix them or remove them:

TIP: If there are lots of broken links all over the place, fix any that appear on your top pages first.

Improve readability

There are some great, free tools available to help make your copy more accessible:

  • Hemingway – keep your writing clear, concise, and easy to understand with this nifty web app.
  • Grammarly – the free version of the desktop app includes a super-useful 'tone' checker.

Use these tools for checking the copy on your top pages. Make a note of the results and plan-in time for any edits.

TIP: If you have a few more minutes, this article's full of practical tips: How to write great web copy

✅ 1hr tasks + tools:

Create a 'User Persona'

Creating one or more User Personas can help you to create content that's more targeted.

Start simple with data that you already have – this could be info from audience surveys, Analytics, or audience insight tools. If you need to refine personas, you can always build detail from additional data over time.

Content Starter Kit

Making content takes time! So share the burden of content generation across your organisation.

A simple template – with prompts and a style guide – for your colleagues will help them feel confident about getting involved in content creation.

Make your own Content Starter Kit to suit you and your organisation using this basic outline (which we use for our blog posts):

✅ 3hr tasks + tools:

Content Audit

Building a top-level overview of all your website’s content will help you understand exactly what you’re working with, therefore create longer-term priorities.

You can do this quickly and easily, using Google Analytics:

When you've done that, use this list of pages to begin populating a Content Audit spreadsheet:

Review each page and fill-in the blanks on the spreadhsheet over time – starting with your top pages.

TIP: Assigning an owner (person or department) for every page of your website creates clear accountability for reviewing and maintaining content.

User Journey Mapping

User Journey Mapping combines insights from both your Content Audit and User Personas.

We’ve created this basic framework to help you identify, develop, test, and review User Journeys across your website:

User Testing

Test ideas, your website structure and navigation, different devices, and user experience across your website – with real people.

By watching people use your website to complete a task or series of tasks, you can better understand where they're getting stuck, and what changes might help to improve the website.

Drawing of a woman (with a short black bob haircut, glasses and an orange jacket) giving us a thumbs-up and a big smile

Hope that's helpful? 🧡

Supercool create flexible, accessible, and easy-to-use websites for arts, cultural, and heritage organisations.

And we love to share practical resources, ideas, tips and tools that help you make the most of digital tech. Saving you time day-to-day and expanding your reach means you can bring even more of your work to even more people – and we believe that arts and culture are for everyone.

For more useful resources like this, regular arts + culture tech news, and invitations to our free online events – join the Supercool Mailing List