AMA Conference 2023, Leeds, 13-14 July

Hello, we're Supercool – a friendly, smart, straight-talking team of problem-solvers. We craft websites and digital strategies for arts, cultural and heritage organisations. By combining design, tech and data, we make life easier for you – and your audiences.

We're lucky enough to work with brilliant teams at leading organisations all over the UK, including:

Grid of five images: 1) Hannah, Ceri and James carry parts of our exhibition stand across a road at a set of traffic lights. 2) Hannah is attaching some bright orange letters to wooden trellis while James laughs in the background. 3) Kate helps Hannah to attach the huge letter ’S’ to our stand. 4) Ceri smiles at the camera while holding a letter ‘O’ that James is attaching. It looks like Ceri is holding a knife but it’s scissors! 5) Hannah sits on an orange chair alongside the finished stand – wooden trellis with plants behind it, and with big orange letters spelling ‘SUPERCOOL’ attached. In the foreground is a hand-drawn blackboard which reads “We love crafting websites and digital strategies the make life easier for your – and your audiences.”
Ceri, Hannah, James and Kate had a great time, meeting new folks and old friends, learning new things and sharing our expertise.

Thanks to those of you who came to our stand to chat about all things digital – and plant a tree 🌳🤗

And it was brilliant to see so many of you at our session on Friday morning – where we shared useful tips about how we can all make our websites easier to use, for everyone, through our use of language.


Words To The Wise – the importance of language to online user journeys

📂 Download the slides [PDF]
Grid of three images: 1) Bright orange presentation slide reads “Words To The Wise – the importance of language to online user journeys”. 2) Kate standing at a lectern with microphone and laptop, she’s wearing a black and white bird-print dress and a big smile! 3) Wide shot of the audience looking towards the stage – it’s a full-house as Kate presents from a slide reading “Challenges – writing skills across the organisation”.

The words you choose are important – even the smallest decision about language on your website could be the difference between an effortless user journey, and a frustrating experience that fills someone with rage!

So how can you make your website easier to use – for everyone – through your use of language?

In the run-up to the AMA Conference, Supercool ran a series of facilitated roundtables with Arts Marketers, discussing things like website navigation naming conventions, average reading age, and the use of language to convey brand and personality.

In this AMA Conference session we shared the most common challenges as highlighted by the roundtable discussions – along with potential solutions.

  • An understanding of how language can be used in site navigation to improve user journeys
  • Tools and tips on how to test the language on your website
  • Ideas on where to add personality and brand voice to your website

Caring for our planet 🤗🌳

There's no hiding the fact that attending a conference has an environmental impact. We do what we can to keep our negative impact minimal – by being mindful of how we travel and where we stay, avoiding single-use plastics, saying 'no ta' to conference swag, reusing our exhibition stand materials etc. And also …

Text reads: Supercool #AMAConf tree total: 500!" – with emoji party poppers dotted around, making the text look jolly and celebratory

We've planted a tree for everyone who came to our stand during the conference – plus the folks who joined our roundtable sessions, our brilliant clients, everyone who came along to our talk, and team AMA! 🧡

We then doubled that number, and rounded-up for good measure – to a grand total of 500 trees! (Syzygium guineense to be precise, which are being planted as part of a reforestation project in Ethiopia.)

And because trees take a while to start removing carbon from the atmosphere, we’ve also put funding equivalent to 15 tonnes of carbon emissions savings towards a renewable energy project in Morocco, and a community-based project in Kenya. Find out more:

A huge thank you to every one of you who’s helped to grow the #AMAConf Grove!

  • 500 #AMAConf trees planted

  • 2 Climate action projects supported

  • 1 Reused exhibition stand!

Handy (FREE) digital tools and resources

👉 Accessibility / inclusion
👉 Digital sustainability
👉 Content creation

Keep in touch!

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We offset our carbon footprint via Ecologi